Huntington Selectboard Special Working Session
Saturday, November 5, 2016 – 8 am to Noon @ 1335 East Street, Huntington
*Note: In order to ensure we have adequate seating and accessibility, the Selectboard requests you to notify the Town Administrator ( / 434-4779) in advance of the meeting if you plan to attend. Due to time constraints, the Selectboard will not be accepting public comment at this working session. There will, however, be a public comment time on the agenda of the Selectboard’s Monday, November 7 meeting.
Working Session Agenda
8:00 am – Purpose, Process & Products
To complete a full review of the FY17-18 Highway Work Plan, Updated Capital Plan & FY 17-18 General Fund budget in order to identify additional information needed from ‘stakeholders’ and follow-up steps required for informed decision making.
1. Review, and reaffirm or revise, Guidelines for Decision Making; Priority Criteria; other applicable goals and constraints
2. Present a first-pass overview of ‘Stakeholder’ information provided in the spreadsheets – Elliott
3. Review each activity / line item, identifying:
*****a. Selectboard agrees with request as presented with no additional questions (color coded green)
*****b. Follow-up clarification / additional information needed (color coded yellow)
*****c. Items regarding which the Selectboard would like to meet with applicable stakeholders (color coded orange)
1. An updated Capital Plan and General Fund Budget to share with ‘Stakeholders’, and a clear plan, with agreed upon timelines, in order to finalize the Capital Plan and General Fund Budget (and associated Articles) to be presented for voter consideration and approval at Town Meeting.
8:15 am – Highway Work Plan, Capital Plan & General Fund Budget Reviews
11:45 am – Review Timelines & Follow up steps
Noon - Adjourn
Questions? Contact Town Administrator Barbara Elliott at 434-4779 or email
PLEASE NOTE: The Selectboard usually holds regularly scheduled meetings on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Meetings are held downstairs at the Town Office unless otherwise noted. Check postings at Beaudry's, the Library, the Town Office and/or the Town's website ( for schedule changes and meeting agendas.
Feb 12, 2025, 6 to 7 PM
Huntington Conservation Commission MeetingFeb 13, 2025, 6:30 to 8:45 PM
Celebration for the TreesFeb 16, 2025, 1 to 3 PM