Grand Isle County Food & Farmer Forum
Wednesday, November 9
5:00 - 7:00 pm
Snow Farm Winery, South Hero
Are you a local restaurant, retailer, school, business, or non-profit selling or serving food in Northwest Vermont? Come meet the farmers that are producing and selling food in our region. Learn more about how your business or institution can purchase affordable products locally.
Are you a farmer or food producer in Grand Isle County? Are you looking to sell your products to retailers and institutions in Northwest Vermont? Join us to share your product information with buyers, make personal connections, and increase sales.
Let's work together to build markets for local foods in Grand Isle County! Join us for a panel discussion on the challenges, successes, and benefits of selling & buying locally. Learn more about selling to or buying for schools, restaurants, retailers and others. Participate in round table discussions with producers and buyers to help build a stronger local wholesale food market in Grand Isle County. And enjoy some great local food too!
Local appetizers catered by Cook Sisters Catering and Wally's Place, cash wine bar from Snow Farm Winery.
This is a free event for local farmers, producers, restaurants, retailers, schools, businesses, or non-profits in Northwest Vermont hosted by the Northwest VT Healthy Roots Collaborative & the Lake Champlain Islands Agriculture Network, with support from South Hero Land Trust.
RSVPs encouraged but not required. We’d appreciate hearing from you by November 1st. Contact Emily ( or Johanna ( with questions.
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