Annual German Dinner at Good Shepherd Church

Past event
Nov 5, 2016, 5 to 7:30 PM

Saturday, November 5th, join in the annual German Dinner at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!
Route 15 near Browns Trace intersection in Jericho.

Seatings at 5:15 pm and 6:30 pm.
You may reserve by phoning 899-3932 OR emailing

Menu: Pork Schnitzel with Gravy, Potato Stuffing, German Rotkohl (sweet and sour red cabbage) and Buttered Carrots.

Beverage choice and a dessert included in the cost: $12 for adults, $5 for children 4-12 years old, and 3-and-under free. Please request gluten-free option, if needed, when reserving.

Live fiddle music. Handicap accessible. Free parking.

Also visit the Events page at

Thank you!

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