Burlington City Council Vote on F-35 Resolutions Oct. 28

Past event
Oct 28, 2013, 5:15 to 7:15 PM

Dear Fellow F-35 Opponents,

The urgent and growing struggle against the F-35 warplane basing in Vermont comes to a head on Monday, October 28th. On this date the Burlington City Council will vote on a resolution to use its authority as owner of the Burlington Airport to bar the basing of the F-35. The decision is of local and national importance.

The F-35 will have a devastating impact on the lives of over 8,000 working class and modest income residents surrounding the airport whose homes will be designated “not suitable for residential use” due to the extreme noise. Other harms include health, cognitive development of children, crash risk, declining home values, and the dignity of thousands sacrificed for the benefit of commercial interests cheerleading the basing.

The priorities the F-35 warplane represents for our state, nationally, and for the planet are completely backwards. The projected cost is $1.5 trillion, the largest military boondoggle in history. With more austerity on the agenda from Washington, the F-35 is an obscene priority given the $1 trillion in student debt, the critical need for resources put to the task of addressing climate change, and the many more jobs that could be created with that same wasted money if spent on clean energy, health care, and education. The militarization of Vermont does not contribute to any of our progressive goals.

The movement to stop the F-35 basing needs your help. The involvement of thousands of ordinary people committed to equality, social justice, peace, workers rights, environmental and climate justice, and democracy have been the life-blood of our struggle.

We ask for your help now to protect our community from the harms of the basing—and to stand for people and the planet over unneeded warplanes.

We NEED a big turn out for the City Council meeting on Monday, October 28th. We know the F-35 boosters will do their best to turn out in force. Whether you live in Burlington, in other airport communities, or elsewhere, come tell the Council to bar the basing.

Here is the schedule for the 28th

5:15 pm: Rally for People before Planes

6:00 pm: Public Hearing and Council Meeting

Where: Burlington City Hall corner of Main and Church

We expect a close vote. You can make a difference

Before the 28th, you can call Burlington City Councilors to ask them to support barring the basing—go here for calling guide: http://www.stopthef35.com/contact-burlington-city-councilors/

We hope to see you on the 28th!

In Solidarity,

Stop the F-35 Coalition


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