Super Bingo

Past event
Nov 13, 2016, 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St. Veronica #1273 will be holding its annual Super Bingo on Sunday November 13, 2016. This will be at St Norbert Church, 193 South Main St., Hardwick, VT. The doors open at 10:30 with mini bingo beginning at 11:30. $2,000 in prizes. $25.00 for 9 cards (required to play) and $5.00 for additional set of 3 cards. Refreshments will be sold throughout the bingo games. We reserve the right to cancel if 100 tickets are not sold.

To get tickets, or if you have questions, please contact Doris Voyer at 223-5477 or reply by email.

Thank you.

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