Contacting Burlington City Counselors on the F-35 Resolution Vote
Dear fellow F-35 opponents,
On Oct 28, Burlington City Council members are scheduled to address the F35 issue. The city council will consider two resolutions. The first bars F-35 basing entirely, and the second is a compromise that only bars F-35 basing during the first basing round. Sponsoring city council members think the second one has a good chance, and that its chances are much improved if councilors hear from enough members of the public.
We need calls to the councilors from all of us if we are to succeed. So please call!
If the Burlington City Council passes either resolution, the Council will be acting prudently by taking a step toward helping protect thousands of Vermonters from the severely degraded health, incredibly high crash risk, and unacceptable property value diminution described by the Air Force in its Environmental Impact Statement.
It is most important for Burlington residents to contact the two councilors from their ward. However, it is also important for non-Burlington citizens to contact councilors since the council is making a decision that affects, not just Burlingtonians, but more severely, residents of other nearby communities such as Williston and Winooski and South Burlington. They are deciding our futures and that is a very important responsibility that goes well beyond fiscal matters.
The website has the text of the resolutions and further background information on the resolutions in the memorandum that accompanies the resolutions. Otherwise this document has all you need to make the calls.
Here is a suggested script. ( Some important facts vs opinions follow it - for your use.)
Hello, Is this councilor _______ ?
My name is ________ and I live in _______.
I am opposed to basing F-35 warplanes at the airport. Basing F-35 jets here represents the wrong priorities for Burlington and is a bad decision because:
- loss of property values
- high crash risks during the first dozen years of operational basing
- Incredibly high noise blasting causing cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairment of children
In ending the conversation: Thank them for their intention to take testimony from the public and to address the two proposals on the table. Also urge them to act on these resolutions before the final 30-day waiting period for contacting the Air Force is over.
F35: Facts vs Opinions
Opinion: There's nothing unhealthy about basing the F-35A in Chittenden County.
FACT: Scientific knowledge on the impact of noise on people has replaced earlier popular understandings. The World Health Organization found that noise at the levels of the F-35A raises children's blood pressure, cholesterol, and stress hormones; and 50% of the children in this unsafe noise zone will suffer cognitive impairment-some effects will last a lifetime. Adults will suffer increased cardiovascular disease.
Opinion: There's no difference between the noise we have now and the noise of the F-35A.
FACT: The Air Force says the F-35A is 4 times louder than the F-16, and 8 times louder than what the federal government deems safe.
Opinion: The F-35A noise will only last 6 minutes and will be a minor inconvenience.
FACT: The Air Force says the F-35A will fly 260 days per year, and will fly up to 7,296 operations each year. This means residents will hear 28 operations per flying day, or 1-2 noise events per waking hour.
Opinion: There are government programs and technical methods for noise abatement.
FACT: No mitigation plan has ever been proposed or implemented here or elsewhere that would reliably mitigate the noise to levels compatible with residential use
- EXCEPT ONE: the removal or demolition of homes-- as we see happening in South Burlington today. This point is confirmed by the FAA. Mitigation is an empty promise, or worse, a fraud.
Opinion: Basing the F-35A here will not hurt property values.
FACT: A report by a highly respected professional real estate appraiser with no connection to the F-35A debate, concluded that homeowners in the F-35A noise zone will, on average, lose 15% or about $33,500 of the value of their property.
Opinion: Without the F-35A's, the VTANG base will close.
FACT: The military is currently refitting all F-16s so that they can continue to operate until the F-35A becomes a viable alternative. VTANG has ongoing programs, which will continue regardless of the basing. Moreover, the Air Force has stated the Air Guard base will NOT close if the F-35A is not based in Burlington
Opinion: Basing the F-35A in Vermont will create thousands of jobs.
FACT: Of the two possible basing scenarios outlined, the first creates no new jobs, and the second creates 83 full time jobs and 183 part time jobs.
Opinion: Vermont's leading political figures have taken a hands-off approach on the basing decision.
FACT: In the Draft Environmental Impact Statement the Air Force has explicitly stated that they include political considerations when they make their basing decisions. This includes hosting meetings with elected officials and government representatives. Those same officials have so far refused all invitations to speak with or debate opponents of the basing.
Remember: The Air Force wanted to base this first round of F-35s at an active duty Air Force base until Senator Patrick Leahy changed that with a phone call to the Pentagon. Furthermore, the falsification of the scoring sheets for the basing decision formed the basis for selecting Burlington.
Burlington City Councilors
Ward 1
Sharon Foley Bushor - Indpendent 2015 54 East Ave, BTV 05401 658-3604
Kevin Worden - Democrat 2014 23 Brookes Ave. BTV 05401 343-5445
Ward 2
Jane Knodell - Progressive 2015 10 Charles Street, BTV 05401 862-2469
Max Tracy - Progressive 2014 39 Greene St, Apt 2, BTV 05401 373-1968
Ward 3
Vince Brennan - Progresive 2015 175 Park Street, BTV 05401 864-0984
Rachel Siegel - Progressive 2014 21 Pitkin Street , BTV 05401 777-2627
Ward 4
David Harnett - Democrat, 2015 27 Browne Court, BTV, 05408 864-7895 doesn't use email
Bryan Aubin - Democrat, 2014 15 Rock Point Rd., BTV, 05408 324-1546
Ward 5
Joan Shannon - Democrat 2015 41 Central Ave., BTV 05401 860-7489
William "Chip" Mason - Democrat, 2014 33 Scarff Ave., BTV 05401 373-8545
Ward 6
Norman Blais - Democrat, 2015 487 S. Prospect Street. #6 (05401) 863-5860
Karen Paul - Independent, 2014 171 Crescent Road, BTV 05401 862-3817
Ward 7
Tom Ayres - Democrat, 2015 61 Saratoga Ave., BTV 05408 324-4117
Paul Decelles - Republican, 2014 96 Grosse Court, BTV, 05408 658-4367