The Social Black Bear with Ben Kilham Oct. 26

Past event
Oct 26, 2016, 7 to 8:30 PM

Find out how the social behavior of black bears resembles that of humans, when wildlife biologist Ben Kilham, PhD presents “The Social Black Bear: What Bears Have Taught Me About Being Human.” Presented by The Nature Museum.

Did you know that black bears can live for as many as forty years? This lengthy life span gives them ample reason to form relationships with fellow cooperators as they are likely to reap long-term benefits from such connections.

Black bears, thought to be solitary, have a different type of social behavior that may parallel early human behavior. They show evidence of reciprocal altruism, matrilineal hierarchy, and a mix of intentional and emotional communication.

Years of observing black bears and rehabilitating orphan bears informs Kilham's expertise. Devoted to black bears, he has studied their habits and interacted with them for over two decades.

Kilham is licensed as a bear rehabilitator by the state of New Hampshire, and he and his wife, Debra, and sister, Phoebe, have accepted orphaned bear cubs into their home and helped them to successfully return to the wild.

Please join us for what is bound to be a very interesting program on an animal that many of us have had the pleasure of spotting in The Green Mountains (or our backyards).

Location: NewsBank Conference Center, 352 Main St. Chester, VT
Ages: Geared towards adults, children 10 and up
Cost: $10 each | Purchase your tickets ahead on-line or at the door.

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