Author Talk: Tracy Penfield, "A Curriculum of Courage: Making SafeArt"
Wednesday, October 19
7:00 p.m.
Light refreshments served
FREE - everyone welcome & invited!
Join author Tracy Penfield for a discussion of her new book, "A Curriculum of Courage: Making SafeArt," on Wednesday evening, October 19, at the Royalton Memorial Library in South Royalton. Penfield's book focuses on practical tools for the creation of healing arts programs in school and communities. The book includes multi-disciplinary explorations for use in the classroom, with groups, or with individuals. Penfield is a visual and performing artist who founded SafeArt --- a Chelsea, Vt., based organization helping individuals heal from abuse and trauma --- after her own experiences healing from a destructive marriage through expressive movement.
For more information call (802) 763-7094 or email
Royalton Memorial Library
23 Alexander Place
South Royalton