Yard Sale! Update

Past event
Oct 15, 2016, 10 AM to 4 PM

51 Wakefield St., Hardwick (off No. Main near Hazen)
Sat/Sun (Oct. 15 & 16) 10am to about 4pm, early birds tolerated with a TBD premium. Many FREE items w/ large markdowns on most stuff remaining Sunday afternoon.
Have stuff ranging from antiques to "junk". Also have electronics & CDs, chairs and other small furniture, books, knick-knacks, dishes & other kitchen items, hand-painted glassware, men's leather jackets, gas grill, weight bench, a lot of metal shelving, pegboard & hooks, some tools, misc. hardware and electrical supplies and much, much more.

Still adding stuff to the sale. Recent additions include a NIB (unused) 500gb XBOX ONE w/ wireless controller, maple birdseye desk, KRELL DVD Standard (used as a CD player), ADC Soundshaper Three Mk II equalizer, workbench (made with 2x6s), cast iron dutch oven, micrometers (0-3” Brown & Sharpe set and a 0-6” Starrett depth mic), new Savinelli tobacco pipe, calligraphy nibs and ???????????

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