Don't Miss the Old Country Fiddler

Past event
Oct 23, 2016, 4 to 6 PM

Come and enjoy the music and humor of "The Old Country Fiddler" at the Brookfield Historical Society annual meeting and community dinner at 4:00 pm, next Sunday, October 23rd at the Pond Village Church. Living history presenter Adam Boyce portrays Mr. Charles Ross Taggart, the popular "Old Country Fiddler" near the end of his career, c. 1936, sharing recollections on his life, with some live fiddling and humorous sketches interspersed. Starting in 1895, he became a musical humorist, performing all over North America for more than 40 years. Taggart made at least 40 recordings with the Victor, Edison, and Columbia companies and appeared in a 1923 Phono-Film “talkie” 4 years before Al Jolson starred in “The Jazz Singer.” The presentation, after a very brief annual meeting, will be followed by a free community dinner for all attending. Feel free to bring an additional dish for everyone to enjoy. This presentation is sponsored by the Vermont Humanities Council (VHC) Speakers Bureau and the Brookfield Historical Society.

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