Voter Information Panel

Past event
Feb 24, 2024, 1 to 2:30 PM

Each year at Torn Meeting in several Addison County towns, local organizations seek funding. from the towns. Generally, the only information available to the voters at Town Meeting is the name of the organization and the amount of money requested. Some organizations are well-known, while others are not.

This year the Shoreham Congregational Church is hosting a Voter Information Panel, and invited these organizations to give a brief overview of their work in advance of Town Meeting. Several of the organizations have accepted our invitation to provide more. information about their work in our communities. They will give an oral presentation, and may also have printed materials available, as well as opportunities for volunteers.

Many of these organizations work across Addison County, and may be on the Town Meeting Ballot in your town. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about them. This event is free and open to the public.

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