Battenkill River Duck Run Oct. 6

Past event
Oct 6, 2013, 8:30 AM

6th Annual BattenKill River Duck Run

The fall racing season is upon us and what better way to kick it off than with the 6th Annual BattenKill River Duck Run on Sunday, October 6 in West Arlington. The BattenKill River Duck Run benefits Arlington Area Childcare/Happy Days Playschool. The event starts with a 1K fun run for the kids at 8:30, followed by a 5k run/walk and a 12K run/walk at 9:00 am. The races take place on River Road in West Arlington beginning and ending at the Grange. The entire route is run on a low traffic dirt road along the BattenKill River and offers some spectacular scenery as fall foliage approaches its peak. Some say this is the best time of year for Vermont running. Registration the morning of the Duck Run on Oct. 6 begins at 7:30 am and is $18.00 for the 5K and 12K and $3.00 for the fun run. Age group awards will be given for the top 3 in each age group from 12 and under to 80 and over. Each participant in the kids 1K fun run will receive an award. Volunteers are also needed to help with registration and other race day tasks, so contact Happy Days at 802-375-6039 to find out how you can be a part of this community event or for more information about how to register for the event.

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