Interested in learning Spanish?
Join instructor Francis Noel for "Introduction to Spanish," a six-class, not-for-credit, language-learning series beginning Saturday, March 14, at the Royalton Memorial Library. Classes will be held at the library on Saturdays, from 1-2 p.m., on the following dates: March 14, March 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, and May 23. The classes are free and open to the public, though donations to help cover costs are needed.
Class size is limited to 12. Contact the library at 763-7094 to reserve a seat.
The class textbook is "Spanish is Fun: Lively Lessons for Beginners (4th edition)" by Heywood Wald and can be obtained from the library for $30.
Royalton Memorial Library
23 Alexander Place
South Royalton
(802) 763-7094