Public Forum at the CAPA Building, Bennington College.
The Transportation Board at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 13 will hold a Bennington public forum specifically designed to engage young adults (ages 18-34) in a conversation about what Vermont needs to do transportation-wise to meet their needs and be an attractive place for them to live, work and raise a family.
The forum is one of eight the Board is holding around the state, and will be held in The Symposium at the Center for the Advancement of Public Action at Bennington College.
National studies indicate that young adults drive less than their older counterparts, and that their transportation priories differ from those of previous generations. The Board wants to discuss this with young adults to determine how future transportation policy can be shaped to best position Vermont to meet their needs and thrive in the economic marketplace.
For those who cannot attend, comment can also be submitted via email. For more information, please visit the Board’s website at