If you walk to the Mile-Around woods, you've probably noticed the old farming structures near the Moseley bridge. Well, those two structures are vestiges of the once 640 acre Hall Farm. We're reconditioning, maintaining and re-energizing the corn crib for present and future generations. This weekend, we're having our second volunteer build weekend. It'll be fun!
Photos from last year: http://corn-crib.tumblr.com/post/64139474406/we-had-a-great-build-weekend-replacing-the
Saturday and Sunday will be our main build days, Friday and Monday will be smaller bits of work and travel days for everybody who's coming from far afield. Stay as long as you like, work as much as feels good. This year, the tasks will be taking out sections of rotted vertical supports and either "scabbing" in new lumber or replacing whole pieces, repairing the door on the north face of the crib, and reconstructing some grain hatches. We might get to some staining/painting done, too.
If you have hammers and crowbars/cats paws bring them. If you have a chop saw or sawzall, we could use one more. It's all nails, so no screw guns needed. Email me to let me know if you're coming so we can know how much food to make per day! Any donated food would also be greatly appreciated! Come help preserve a symbol of this landscape we all enjoy so well.