Peacham Community Housing Annual Meeting

Past event
Dec 14, 2021, 6:30 PM

Peacham Community Housing: Annual Meeting 2021

Peacham Community Housing (PCH) invites you to its Annual Meeting on Tuesday, 14 December 2021 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held via Zoom through the link found below.

The meeting will include:
- A summary of PCH activities during 2021.
- Presentation of the 2021 Harry Barnes Award for Exceptional Volunteer Service to Peacham, and an interview with the recipients.
- Election of PCH Board officers and members.

There will be time for questions and comments from those attending. We hope to see you there!

Join the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 840 9202 6520
Passcode: 642663
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+19292056099,,84092026520#,,,,*642663# US (New York)

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Meeting ID: 840 9202 6520
Passcode: 642663
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