Budget Forum for EVCSD

Past event
Feb 24, 2021, 6 to 7 PM

Virtual Budget Forum
Echo Valley Community School District

This year voting for EVCSD will look a little different. All votes will be made by Australian Ballot. Many of you have probably already received your mail in ballots, if you plan to mail your ballot in be sure to carefully read all instructions. In person voting will be available on March 2, 2021. Please visit your local polling place to cast your ballot.

The EVCSD Board of Directors encourage you to vote YES for the school budget. Please join us for the virtual budget forum on February 24, 2021 at 6pm to hear about the budget and have any questions answered. The information to join the meeting is listed below. For more information on the budget please visit CVSU.org.

Please email me if you have any questions jfoster@cvsu.org

Copy and paste the link below into your web browser

Or you can join by phone
(US) +1 415-598-9260 (PIN: 779948876)

Jessie Foster
EVCSD Board of Directors

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