On this past Town Meeting Day, the Fairfield Center School Budget was defeated by Australian ballot with 115 “no” votes to 97 “yes” votes. 212 out of 1245 registered voters participated in the process. The board received public input at the next warned Board meeting on the issue as to what should be done. 95% of the public in attendance where in favor of returning the same budget to the voters of Fairfield. Arguments were made by opposing sides as to how to proceed. Statute requires the Fairfield School Board to revise the budget before submitting it to the voters for a second vote. The board deliberated and decided to cut the budget by $2500. This reduces our less than 1% increase over last year to 0.57%. But let me be frank, out of a 5.4 million dollar budget, $2500 is nominal. It is, essentially, the same budget. The budget requested by the majority of those from which we heard.
The projected tax impact has been modified by the State and is now estimated at 21 cents. This translates into a $211 increase per $100,000 assessed property value. But, with all the different calculations by the State coupled with the Common Level of Assessment, (The CLA adds 7 cents, or $70, by itself) it turns out that $20 of that $211 increase is what is actually generated by the school budget. However, to reduce that $20 would cost approximately $58,000 in budget reductions. To reduce the tax impact to zero would results in budget cuts up to approximately $600,000 to $700,000. One could argue that we are seeing a declining enrollment and, in fact, $60 of the $211 is a penalty for Fairfield losing 11.9 equalized pupils across grades K-12. Except we’re not losing 12 kids. We project a total loss of 2; all subject to change as the year progresses. The population is subject to fluctuation. “Equalized pupils” is a function of a State formula, not an actual head count.
Montpelier needs to fix this system. In my opinion, it needs to look at dissolving property tax on homesteads in favor of income and sales tax; a position I’ve held for years and not just because this is tough tax year. We’re halfway there with income sensitivity. The systems are nearly in place. We can still have local control by voting on budgets. But, these budgets would have impact on our State tax returns. The equality of the Brigham Decision and the spirit of the resulting Act 60/68 can be preserved. The responsibility would be on all taxpayers and not just those who own property. We provide for our most vulnerable population with the most volatile tax source based on artificial “markets” subject to unstable real estate bubbles. Yet, we fund the incarcerated from a more stable tax source: the general fund. It’s an abomination and needs to be changed.
The point is that we have good and responsible expenditure budget before us. It reflects a less than 1% increase over last year but, through a variety of factors beyond our control, the tax impact is substantial. It’s not fair. I get it. We have to bite the bullet on this and contact our representatives in Montpelier to address this disparity. This budget is lean and any substantial cuts will adversely affect the well being of our children and quality of their education. Let me be clear: this is a vote on the 2014-2015 (FY 15) budget only. Not a building project. Our 1964 building needs a great deal of work, but that process of determining how to move forward is still occurring.
Fairfield has always been a strong community that supports its school. The school has been good about making do with less and spending tax payer money wisely. I therefore ask Fairfield voters to vote “yes” on the Fairfield School Budget on Saturday, April 12th from 7am to 7pm, in the school gymnasium/Veteran's Hall. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.
Michael Malone
Chair, Fairfield Center School Board