Author Jane Buchan Reading April 8

Past event
Apr 8, 2014

Author Jane Buchan reading at Jeudevine Library

Jane Buchan, author of UNDER THE MOON, will be giving a talk on Tuesday, April 8 at 7 PM at the Jeudevine Memorial Library celebrating the 30th Anniversary Edition of her book. The novel is set in a retirement home in the 1980's in Toronto. Edna, the novel's protagonist, hastes the conformity and standardization of retirement home living. After a shocking event she is led inevitably to understand what it means to be old in a culture that fears death and hates old age. She is a feisty and memorable character.

First published by McClelland & Stewart in 1983 the novel exposes the horrifying conditions found in many long-term-care facilities. It also explores how people of all ages are participating in the transformation of the medical model that casts old age as a disease to be treated rather than a stage of life to be fully and joyfully lived. With so many of the baby boomer generation aging, Ms. Buchan believes the time has come to address ageism in our culture once again.

The Toronto Globe and Mail wrote, "Buchan's portrayal of the elderly is deft, humane and sparkling with life. Even minor characters assume a sharp originality." Ms. Buchan will read from her book, then take questions and open a discussion of elder care in our society. There will be light refreshments. For more information call the library at 472-5948.

Lisa Sammet, Library Director
Jeudevine Memorial Library
93 North Main St.
PO Box 536
Hardwick, VT 05843
Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays: 1 PM to 7 PM
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1 PM to 5 PM
Fridays: 10 AM to 5 PM
Saturdays: 10 AM to 2 PM

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