Peacham Library Community Coffeehouse -- Saturday, February 1

Past event
Feb 1, 2014, 7 to 9 PM

Peacham Library Community Coffeehouse welcomes back Fifth Business on Saturday, February 1 at 7pm. Kate and Steve Davie, Heather Alger, Nick Anzalone, and Stuart Corso place a strong emphasis on rousing vocals. Their songs and tunes range from traditional a cappella singing to more complex arrangements with instrumentation by guitar, fiddle, and button accordion. They draw from musical roots set in English, and Celtic tradition, as well as some of Steve’s more contemporary compositions. Comedy, whimsy and fun paired with a heartfelt connection to the history, temperament and soulful roots of traditional English and Celtic song make for a purely British Pub Night right here in Peacham, VT.

The mike will open to the public at 8pm. Bring your instrument and / or your voice and take a chance with our performer friendly crowd.

Tea, Coffee, Hot Cider and Light Refreshments Will Be Served. Suggested Donation $5 per person to benefit Peacham Library

Mark your calendar -- March 1 – Jen Corkins

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